The Mountain Goats - Heretic Pride [2008]

Pe scurt:
Heretic Pride, ultimul album de la The Mountain Goats este genial. Stiu ca spun des lucruri de genul asta dar, cel putin in acest caz, chiar nu ma pot abtine. Melodie dupa melodie, albumul asta mi se strecoara in suflet si in minte. Si va mai spun ceva... Vad bucati din Springsteen peste tot! Genial!

Omul din spatele povestii se numeste John Darnielle si este cam la al 15-lea album. Chiar daca pe langa el sunt adunati periodic si alti muzicieni, Darnielle este cel care compune melodiile, scrie versurile si canta. Rusine mie ca il descopar abia acum...

Melodie: The Mountain Goats - Sax Rohmer #1

01. The Mountain Goats - Sax Rohmer #1 (3:40)
02. The Mountain Goats - San Bernardino (3:18)
03. The Mountain Goats - Heretic Pride (3:42)
04. The Mountain Goats - Autoclave (3:33)
05. The Mountain Goats - New Zion (2:54)
06. The Mountain Goats - So Desperate (3:21)
07. The Mountain Goats - In The Craters On The Moon (3:31)
08. The Mountain Goats - Lovecraft In Brooklyn (3:48)
09. The Mountain Goats - Tianchi Lake (3:19)
10. The Mountain Goats - How To Embrace A Swamp Creature (3:27)
11. The Mountain Goats - Marduk T-Shirt Men’s Room Incident (3:20)
12. The Mountain Goats - Sept 15th 1983 (3:43)
13. The Mountain Goats - Michael Myers Resplendent (2:51)

The Mountain Goats [ Site Oficial ]
The Mountain Goats [ AllMusic ]
The Mountain Goats [ Wikipedia ]
The Mountain Goats [ MySpace ]
The Mountain Goats [ LastFm ]
Heretic Pride [ AllMusic ]
Heretic Pride [ PitchforkMedia ]
Heretic Pride [ BBC ]
Heretic Pride [ DrownedInSound ]
Heretic Pride [ LiveDaily ]


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